E-Smart/pellet heater 25kW


Introducing the Pellet heater! The TenSteel/TenSpa invention transformed the wood-fired hot tub industry.

E-Smart/pellet heater 25kW


Introducing the Pellet heater! The TenSteel/TenSpa invention transformed the wood-fired hot tub industry.



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About E/I-smart pellet heater

This is an incredible technology that provides a wonderful TenSpa spa hot tub experience while also incorporating the most advanced smart technology available in the field.

Forget about the troubles of preparing the hot tub ahead of time thanks to our E/I smart pellet heater features. Because the heating chamber can easily store a large amount of pellets, wood pellets can be handled and stored with ease. Following the activation of the heater, the unit will maintain the desired temperature as the pellets are moved to the combustion chamber.

This innovative system simplifies water heating more than ever before. We made it simple for you to set the desired temperature and monitor it from your device. It’s a seamless, exciting way to enjoy your hot tub experience while also utilizing high-tech features that will save you time and energy.

The E/I smart pellet heater technology is supported by: Naturela bg

Introduction and installation manual

User manual for pellet heaters Smarttech. by Naturela

Please refer to both introduction and manual to set up the system correctly.

To generate heat with an external pellet stove, compressed wood or biomass pellets must be used.

TenSteel invented a design that is unique in its ability to continuously feed fuel from a storage container (hopper) into a burn chamber area, producing a constant flame that does not require any physical adjustments.

The advantage of a pellet stove over a wood burning stove is that the burning chamber does not need to be recharged every 15-20 minutes. A fully stocked hopper ensures a longer heater period (for about 3 hours)

This leads to another point of differentiation: it is now possible to control the heater from a distance using your mobile phone.

Capacity of the storage container – 50 kg of pellets

Within 30 minutes, an external pellet stove can consistently produce 25 kW of power. It means that the water heats up faster.

-CAUTION! Never burn the stove without the required amount of water in the hot tub. Otherwise, you may burn the stove and hot tub.

Correct and incorrect connection of the external stove
-The external heater and outdoor hot tub must be placed on a flat, solid surface.
It is important that the connection hose at the top connects slightly (with a little angle).
-The lower stove connection hose can be connected evenly.

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